Phasmo Ghosts - Updated 2025
These ghosts are natural hunters who love to stalk it’s prey one at a time making its kill. Banshee will attack anything that comes in its way.
Unique Strengths: Will target one person at a time.
Weaknesses: Fears crucifix and will be less aggressive near one.
Findings: The Freezing Temperatures aren't always evident. This ghost roams a lot, and will leave fingerprints on doors and windows outside and away from it's room. Motion Tracking Suggested.
No Evidence: Will never change ghost room. Has a unique Banshee Scream in ParaMic.
Personality: Likes to be alone.
Official Evidence: UV, Orbs, D.O.T.S
Speed: Normal
Hunt: 50% sanity
Banshee test: Only applicable for multiplayer. Everyone must be inside the location. Whoever you think is not the Banshee’s target takes an incense and stands in a convenient spot with the flashlight on. By a convenient spot, I mean a place the ghost likely to pass by (the ghost is definitely going to spot you), but unlikely for the ghost to just randomly walk into. If the ghost just walks past, it is a Banshee. If it goes at the player, it is either not a Banshee, or the player was the target. You can try again with another player if you want to be certain.
Findings: Hunts early.
No Evidence: Hunts earlier than 25 seconds - as early as 20 seconds. Larger Crucifix range.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: UV, Ghost Writing, Freezing Temps
Hunt: Anytime
Findings: This ghost will be more visible than not during a hunt, while it flickers. Sometimes happy about turning off the breaker. Will breath heavily in spirit box.
No Evidence: Has a unique Deogen Breathing sound if using Spirit Box right ontop of it's location. Will always race directly to you in a hunt, and slow down 2 meters away.
Speed: Fast when farther away, slow when closer. Can be looped - or just keep walking - it won't catch you.
Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Writing, D.O.T.S.
Ability: Will always know where you are – you can not hide.
Hunt: 40% Sanity
Weaknesses: Visible on D.O.T.S. only through cameras. Also unable to change ghost rooms.
No Evidence: Will never change ghost rooms.
Personality: Stays near it’s room and doesn’t wander too far.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: D.O.T.S., EMF 5, UV Fingerprints
Hunt: 50% Sanity
Strengths: Will turn off the breaker more often than any other ghost.
Weaknesses: It’s breath will be visible when hunting.
Findings: Breath visible while hunting or during events.
No Evidence: Has visible breath during hunts. Will never turn ON a light switch. Only OFF. Will never speed up within LOS.
Personality: Has an aversion to lights and warmth.
Speed: Faster in cold rooms. Slower in warm rooms.
Evidence: Ghost Orbs, Freezing Temps, UV Fingerprints
Hunt: 50% Sanity
Strengths: Will use power to give it’s self strength. Never turns the breaker off.
Weaknesses: No power in the location will slow it’s hunt speed.
Findings: Can lower player sanity dramatically while showing EMF 3-5 at breaker.
No Evidence: Can turn ON any light switch. Can turn ON the breaker. Will show 2-3 EMF at breaker. 2.5m/s speed when breaker on until within LOS of player, then it returns to a normal speed. Always Normal speed when breaker off.
Speed: Faster when the breaker is on and within line of sight. Slows to normal within 2 meters of player. Normal otherwise.
Evidence: EMF 5, UV Fingerprints, Freezing Temps
Hunt: 50% Sanity
Jinn test: Turn on the breaker. Take an incense and stand in such a way that there will be a long line of sight between you and the ghost. If the ghost immediately goes from normal speed to turbo mode upon seeing you (not a normal speeding up, but instant), only to suddenly go slow just as it reaches you – it is the Jinn. Listen to the footsteps, don’t focus so much on watching the ghost. The footsteps make it much easier to tell the speed than the animation!
Strengths: Can turn lights off the instant you turn them on.
Weaknesses: Dislikes lit areas.
Findings: Higher chance of exploding light bulbs. The lightswitch was turned off immediately after I turned it on! – that is the Mare ability. There is a very tiny chance that it happens with another ghost by chance, so it’s not 100%, but should definitely be more than 90% guaranteed mare.
No Evidence: Will turn off a light switch the isntant you turn it on. Will relocate to darker rooms / areas.
Personality: Can still turn on the TV despite it’s dislike of lights.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Orb, Ghost Writing
Hunt: 60% sanity when lights off, 40% sanity when lights on.
Mare test: Not really much of a test, because it has very low chance of succeeding, but Mare is kind of hard to tell, so you take what you can get. Just switch on the light in the ghost room. Mares can turn the light off immediately after you do that. They will not always do it. They will not even do it commonly. Just try it once in a while and maybe one day you will see this ability. There is also a very miniscule chance of another ghost just randomly deciding to switch the light off at the wrong moment, bamboozling you into thinking it’s the mare ability.
No Evidence: Will always show Orbs.
Speed: Varies based on the ghost it is mimicing.
Evidence: Spirit box, UV Fingerprints, Freezing temps, AND ghost orbs.
Ability: Can change ghost types it behaves like.
Hunt: 50% sanity
Weaknesses: Using incense during a hunt will make the Moroi blind for 7.5 seconds instead of the normal 5 seconds.
No Evidence: Tier 1 smudge will blind the Moroi for 7.5 seconds. Will speed up super fast with LOS.
Speed: Faster the lower the sanity.
Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Writing, Freezing Temps
Ability: Can curse the player via spirit box or parabolic microphone.
Hunt: 50% sanity
Moroi test: Moroi is relatively obvious from its speed during the hunt (the lower your sanity, the faster the ghost), but there are other ways to test, too. Moroi places a curse on anyone who hears its voice, through either the spirit box (impossible on no evidence) or the parabolic microphone (usable!). Get a whisper on the paramic. Check your sanity. Do not take any sanity meds, they cure the curse. Now go in the house and stand in a room with the main light on. You should be perfectly keeping your sanity locked in place, for it does not get passively drained in lit rooms. Wait a while, then check your sanity again. If it is still the same, not a Moroi. If it went down, it is a Moroi and you were cursed to passively lose twice as much sanity regardless of lights. To test a Moroi, you could also try to see if an incense repels the ghost for 50% longer than expected during a hunt. But that’s a bit tricky and risky.
Findings: Quieter than normal footsteps, and frequent, quiet paranormal sounds. Often detectable with a parabolic microphone.
No Evidence: Quieter than normal footsteps. Usually only detectable when the ghost is within interferance range of electronics. Will produce more paranormal sounds via parabolic mic.
Speed: Normal - But the sound of the hunt is quiet
Evidence: EMF 5, UV Fingerprints, Ghost writing
Hunt: 50% Sanity
Myling test: You hide during the hunt and let go off your active flashlight. You watch the flashlight flicker. For normal ghosts, you would sometimes hear the footsteps even when the flashlight is not yet flickering. For Myling, you would only start hearing the footsteps after the flashlight started flickering. They seem to have tweaked the audibility a little bit, so it doesn’t quite work that perfectly now, but the flickering of the flashlight (or other equipment) can still give you an idea of how far away the ghost is and if the footsteps are less audible than normally. Note that this trick only works on SMALL MAPS, because on larger maps, the footsteps are heard from further away, but equipment disruption should be the same range. Do not get bamboozled by Raiju! Because Raiju affects equipment from further away, you will also start hearing footsteps around the same time as your flashlight starts flickering!
Findings: Can change it’s form when hunting between flickerings. Also has a 15% chance of producing a 6 finger handprint when seen via UV light. Or 2 fingerprints on lightswitches instead of one.
No Evidence: Changes forms when hunting.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: UV Fingerprints, EMF 5, Ghost Orbs
Hunt: 50% Sanity
Obake test: Loop the ghost around objects (like tables/counters/cars) during the hunt and keep a very close eye on it. Obake should at least once in a hunt shapeshift into a different model for a second. You might need to do it twice to be certain it is/isn’t an Obake.
Summary: Oni’s are the cousin of demons and are extremely strong. They will become more active if you wander around them for too long.
Strengths: More active when players are nearby or when objects move at great speed.
Weaknesses: Being more active helps players to easily identify the Oni.
Findings: Oni's tend to like Dirty Water. They also like to communicate alone. Gets mad when too much noise and people around. They will throw things. Often more visible during a hunt, flickering into shadow less frequently.
No Evidence: Will never Airball Event. More visible during a hunt - flickers invisible less often. Very active! Will not often appear as a shadow figure during events. Higher sanity drain when interacting with player.
Personality: More active when more people are nearby. Does not blow air towards the player.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: EMF 5, Freezing temps, D.O.T.S.
Hunt: 50% sanity
Oni and Phantom test: Watch out for the frequency of ‘blinking’ during hunts. If the ghost is a lot more visible than invisible, it’s an Oni. The other way around, a Phantom.
Weaknesses: A flame can prevent a hunt like the crucifix, but will extinguish the flame on attempt. Having a flame extinguish and a crucifix trigger at the same time can be a tell.
Findings: Candle test: If the Onryo blows out three candles, it will attempt to hunt. To set this up, place one candle near the ghost and a crucifix in the room. Once the ghost blows out the candle three times in a row, the crucifix should ignite. Keep in mind that if there’s one additional candle lit (this includes your lighter) when it blows out the third candle, that "fourth" candle will act as a crucifix, preventing the original crucifix from burning.
No Evidence: Flame test. Flame willa lso prevent a hunt over the crucifix. So if it extinguishes a flame instead of bruning a crucifix, it is a Onryo.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost orbs, Freezing temps.
Hunt: 60% sanity
Onryo test: Can rule out Onryo, not confirm 100%, but you can get to 99% certainty. You have two options, thanks to the two firelight related behaviours of this ghost:
- A) Put a crucifix in the ghost room and put a lit candle on top of it. Keep the candle lit and watch the crucifix. If the crucifix gets used while the candle is lit, it is NOT an Onryo. An Onryo prioritizes using a candle to stop a hunt over a crucifix.
- B) Ideally at a high sanity, take a lit candle to the ghost room. Wait for the ghost to blow out the candle three times. After the third candle, an Onryo will always hunt within the next ten seconds, regardless of your sanity. Any candle after that, there is a 50% chance of a hunt, but the third candle has 100% chance. Careful not to get confused by the candle going out on its own. If you have more lit candles nearby and they get blown out at once, it counts as one candle. If you do this at lower sanity, you risk that any ghost will randomly happen to hunt after blowing out the candle.
Strengths: Looking at a Phantom will considerably drop your sanity. Visible for shorter increments when flickering while on a hunt.
Weaknesses: Taking a photo of the Phantom will make it temporarily disappear.
No Evidence: Ghosts flickers into the visible realm less often during hunts. Also won't be visible in ghost photos.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: Spirit Box, UV Fingerprints, D.O.T.S.
Ability: Vanishes after a photo of it is taken.
Hunt: 50% sanity
Strengths: Can drop sanity each time it throws an object.
Findings: Can interact and throw many items at a time.
No Evidence: Throws items with great force. Throws many items at once. Throws items every half second if in range.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: Spirit Box, UV Fingerprints, Ghost writing
Ability: Can throw many items at once.
Hunt: 50% sanity
Poltergeist test: A quick hunt test if you don’t want to wait for a Polter multithrow. Put a lot of objects on a loopable object (some table or counter) and loop the ghost around it. During hunts, if they have objects nearby, Polters throw in perfect rhythm every 0.5 seconds! No other ghost will be this precise in their timing, sometimes throwing a few things in quick succession, sometimes being lazy about it.
Strengths: Can siphon power from as far as 15 meters away (normal ghosts are 10m).
Findings: Raiju test: Place an active equipment (like DOTS, turned on flashlight…) somewhere the ghost is sure to pass during the hunt. Hide nearby and wait for a hunt. Listen to the footsteps. Raiju has normal footsteps, but when it gets closer to active equipment, it will suddenly change to a really fast speed. Then go back to normal instantly once it leaves the range of the equipment.
No Evidence: Raiju’s hunt speed is faster when it is near the electronic equipment including the flashlight. The hunt or walk speed reduces when it gets away from the electronic equipment. Near equipment it will not speed up with LOS. It will speed up with LOS without equipment.
Speed: Normal - but faster when near active eqipment
Evidence: EMF 5, Ghost Orbs, D.O.T.S.
Ability: Can hunt at higher sanity when around electronics.
Hunt: 65% when near electronic equipment, 50% otherwise.
Weaknesses: If you are hidden from the Revenant, their speed drops, and they travel slowly.
Findings: Revenant's will prefer to be alone. They stand around often, unless they are attacking. They move from room to room slowly otherwise. Must provoke alone to get the EMF 5+ reading. May be requested to Smudge
No Evidence: Slowest idle hunt speed - will speed up to super fast if it sees a player.
Speed: Slower hunt speed, until human is seen in line of sight, then hunt gets really fast.
Official Evidence: Ghost orb, Ghost writing, Freezing Temps.
Hunt: 50% sanity
Summary: A Shade is known to be a Shy Ghost. There is evidence that a Shade will stop all paranormal activity if there are multiple people nearby.
Strengths: Being shy means the Ghost will be harder to find
Weaknesses: The Ghost will not enter hunting mode if there is multiple people nearby.
No Evidence: Will not hunt from it's room or preform events when players are in it's room*. May still hunt from outside it's room. Less active in general. Also more likely to appear in shadow form during events.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: EMF 5, Ghost writing, Freezing temps
Hunt: 35% sanity
Findings: Spirit test: Can rule out Spirit, cannot 100% confirm. Use incense on the ghost with less than 50% average sanity and stay in the location. If ghost hunts sooner than 3 minutes, it is NOT a Spirit. If it hunts after 3 minutes, it CAN be a Spirit. The lower your sanity, the higher chance it is a Spirit after 3 minutes of no hunt. Don’t forget about crucifixes – if you previously placed them in the ghost room, either take them out or watch them for signs of the ghost trying to hunt.
No Evidence: Usually a tricky ghost - but smudge timing / hunt timing can test for this ghost. Usually has powerful throws of objects comparable to Polter, but not as often.
Evidence: EMF 5, Spirit Box, Ghost writing
Ability: Incense will force a spirit to go inactive for a full 180 seconds, double the normal time.
Hunt: 50% sanity
Strengths: Starts off strong. Close interactions with the player will age it, however. As it ages it gets less active and less speedy.
Findings: This ghost will age, starting out very active and over the course of the investigation it’s activity will diminish as it grows older.
No Evidence: Will age after interacting near the player - ghost model will start young and get older with each interaction. Speed also decreases but starts fast. Thaye will never speed up in LOS of player faster than it's current speed.
Speed: Speed will be fast at first and slow down as it's age grows.
Evidence: D.O.T.S., ghost orb, ghost writing.
Hunt: 75% to 15% below which it might not hunt.
The Twins
Findings: Will interact in two rooms at once. The Slow (main) twin will spawn in the favorite room, while the fast one (decoy) will spawn in a completely different room;
Also they seem to be able to track you when hiding. I heard two different interactions happen immediately one after each other. – the famous ‘Twinteraction’. Each of The Twins happen to interact with different objects at almost the same time in different parts of the room or even in different rooms.
No Evidence: Twinteraction observations - interactioons happening in different areas at the same time. 10% slower / faster hunt speed each hunt. Hunting and patrolling from either ghost room of from last interacted object which could be as far away as 16 meters.
Speed: One twin moves 10% faster, one twin moves 10% slower.
Evidence: EMF 5, Spirit Box, Freezing temps
Hunt: 50% sanity
Findings: Seems to speed up when looping?
No Evidence: Will never step in salt. Will also instantly teleport to player and can instantly start a hunt in doing so.
Speed: Normal.
Evidence: EMF 5, Spirit Box, D.O.T.S.
Ability: Can teleport across the map which gives a EMF reading of 3-5
Hunt: 50% sanity
Strengths: High sanity hunt range - early hunting possible.
Weaknesses: Low detection range of 3 meters.
Findings: The Yokai has a hearing and equipment detecting range of only about 2 or 3 meters, so you need to find a room where you will stand farther than that away from the door (closed door). During a hunt, you will shout at the ghost or have your flashlight turned on while the ghost is passing by the room you are in. If the ghost immediately detect and goes for you, it is likely not a Yokai. If it ignores you and continues roaming around, it is likely a Yokai. It’s better to do the test at least twice, in case you got super unlucky and the ghost just randomly walked into your room.
No Evidence: Can annoy it by talking in game. But it won't detect electronic equipment or voices in a hunt until it is within 2.5 meters.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost orbs, D.O.T.S.
Ability: Sensitive to voices.
Hunt: 80% sanity
Findings: May shut the main exit door fully, when not in a hunt. This apparently is unique?
No Evidence: Double door touch, and closing a door fully outside of a hunt or event, as an ability is unique. There may be a delay after the door closes and before you hear the sound of the door closing. This is 100% a Yueri. This works more ofen when the door is completely opened.
Speed: Normal
Evidence: D.O.T.S., Freezing temps, Ghost orbs
Ability: Will slam shut all doors at once. This event will not count as evidence when photographed either. Also has an extra chance on producing airball events. May produce a delayed door sound when shutting a door.
Hunt: 50% sanity