Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Thoughts and Politics

Protect the Criminals

Thoughts and Politics

I was inspired to write this from a recent experience in my daily activities and duties. Sadly in New York state it seems to be the norm where violent crimes go unpunished. YouTubers like Peter Santenello and Cash Jordan have helpped bring to light various issues in the state at times. However I think the vast majority of people generally do not really understand what happens out there. Even a local District Attourney I spoke with seemed baffled that I needed to wear a body camera for my own protection. I myself have been verbally assaulted, and also have been spit at by irrational and violent minded individuals who were attempting to intimidate me because they knew they could get away with it. And they can. Read more

Democrats Ruining the World

Thoughts and Politics

Biden's approval for Ukraine to use US supplied long range missile systems to attack deep into Russian territory was a surprise move to me. Essentially Biden just opened the doors to World War III, as Putin now prepares to defend his own country from attacks by weapons authorized by the US and NATO alliance. This is essentially a declaration of war on Russia, just after Russia has expressed an interest in peace talks with Trump when he comes into office. Read more

Deep Stuff

Thoughts and Politics

I'll start out this post by saying that two weeks ago, I had long abandoned any interest in speculative metaphysics or esoteric philosophy. My first encounter with speculative metaphysics regarding an anomalous object, occured around 1990 in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. I detailed the experience in an old post on this blog. I was still a kid then, and didn't really have the capacity to really consider all of the implications or thoughts that occured to me at the time. Read more

Trump's Victory for America

Thoughts and Politics

Well I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Somehow the 15,000,000 votes that magically appeared for Biden last time, didn't get the chance to appear this time for Kamala. Trump finally got his second term in office after winning a third election. And boy did he ever win. Just like last election, New York was looking almost completely red, just as in 2020. But this time when I woke up the next day, the map was still mostly red! An 11 point margin for Kamala's win in Democrat heavy NY is stunning to be honest. This is a state where the Democrat's are usually winning by 30+ points. It seems the silent majority has spoken. Those lefties who are outspoken whiney bitches will surely complain, but it seems there were too many eyes on this one for them to attempt to rig it and get away with it again. Read more

Pre 2024 Election Thoughts

Blog and Journal Thoughts and Politics

Much of the year, I have heard people stressing out about the election. Me, I kept my involvement as mostly passive, with a dismal view of how the election would go. I figured there would be election manipulation no matter what, and the deeper powers would get the outcome they desire. To some extent I still believe this, but I am hopeful based on encouraging polls that the country will swing back to a red leader. Read more

AI Comments on The Matrix

Thoughts and Politics

AI is indeed a powerful tool, and I have watched it develop over the last few years. In it's beginning, it was obviously silly. But now that it has matured, it's ability to provide reasonable explainations, rationalize and hypothisize, have impressed me. I'll admit to using AI to assist me with my coding. It is often so much easier than trying to search through coding forums, or manuals to try to figure out the correct syntax or standard to use for various pieces of code. It is like having a buddy sitting beside you, who is an expert coder, who can walk you through most things. So long as you understand some basics, AI can help you move forward. It can also frustrate you as well, especially if it gets stuck in a troubleshooting loop, and you aren't providing it with the information it needs to fully understand the problem.

In any case, I decided one day to ask about The Matrix. A great film from 1999, where humanity is unknowingly enslaved by AI, and a group of hackers who have freed themselves, fight to save humanity. I asked AI first, what the 'meanings' are behind the storyline: Read more

Railroad Realizations: Part 1 - Phosphates

Blog and Journal Hobbies Thoughts and Politics

I have been having a lot of fun and doing a great deal of research related to, what is essentially, my virtual model railroad. My RailOps project is pretty much at Alpha testing stage now, and I will happily provide a link for interested parties to apply for an account. My SVNO rail line, runs from Northern Ontario through New York and is headed down the East side of the Mississippi River. Currently the Southern terminus is near Columbus, Ohio.

The current rail network is made up of four rail companies. And it seems that railcars and goods are interchanging betweem them just fine. Currently I have over 300 industries, trading over 400 different products. There are supply chains and for sure a need to link suppliers up with consumers.

As I expand my rail network, and also develop and define the industries to handle realistic material and create a realistic supply chain, I am learning more and more about our world. I will say that I am utterly shocked about just how many different products and chemicals are made from just Natural Gas, Air and Water. It is bewildering. Another thing I stumbled across was this gem below. What kind of mine or operation was this? This is located just along my SVNO mainline coming into Ohio from West of Pittsburgh. At first very little information could be found about it. Read more

Reactions to Trumps attempted Assassination.

Thoughts and Politics

I really have been avoiding the news the last few months, and as such it wasn't until late Saturday that I had heard about Trump getting shot at (or technically shot). I initially found it interesting that it happened in Butler, PA which is a town I have visited before. I watched the video and found it to be quite bewildering. One thing I did notice was there were a lot of female agents who were fumbling around. I also thought it was wild that Trump was able to break through his human shield while it seemed like shots were still ringing out, and gave a defiant fist. It was a strong show of power and leadership for sure, but the first thing I could think of was that this act will be used by the Left to suggest that Trump incited people to fight and take arms, if anything retalitory ever happened.

Having a large family here to entertain and take care of, I really didn't have time or energy to really look into things for myself, but I figured there had to be something strange with this. Security is supposed to be super tight around presidential type people. So I made sure to listen to the noagendashow. As I expected it was informative. As many reading have already seen, indeed there were a number of curious aspects to this. From the supposed shooter being involved in 'Blackrock' commercials (so he already had acting experience) and wearing DemolitionRanch shirts, a popular Right wing (tho not super political) YouTuber. The shooter himself was also a registered Republican. Not to mention the Police and Security's lack of response to the guests who were pointing out the shooter scurrying along the roof, including videos of these people doing so. Supposedly one officer did climb the roof but backs off when the shooter pointed the rifle at him. And what about the case of the Sniper who had the shooter in his sights three minutes prior, and was told not to shoot by the Secret Service. But then when the shooter did open fire, he shot against orders, killing the shooter, and supposedly got terminated and arrested by the FBI for questioning.

I also found it interesting that Biden, on the Friday before hand, had come out and said that Trump was a threat to the nation. Had the roles been reversed, they would of had Trump up on charges for saying that just before an attempted assassination of his rival.

In any case, I initially thought that this could go very well for Trump or it might not matter at all. I still believe the latter is true. I believe that the deep state is so deeply entrenched, and so much in control, that they will get their desired result. The Democrats control the voting 'machine' and so it isn't tough for them to pull off a win. But I think this year they were getting scared that they might not be able to pull it off a second time.

Another thought I had was that maybe the shooting event was planned and staged by the Republicans and it was intended to be just an attempt, and a staged shooting using squibs and blanks was part of the plan, which is why agents were told not to open fire on the shooter. Perhaps he was supposed to live? Perhaps he actually is still alive? Who knows. It is so hard to really know what is truly going on behind the scenes these days. Hollywood and the Media are so intertwined.

Who knows... I am thankful Trump is alright. I really don't see him as a 'politician'. He is just has the average Alpha male dude personality which I think is why a lot of working families tend to like him.

In Retrospect, many people in my life have been saying for a while now, that the country is in danger. I agree. Problem is they seem to think there is going to be an uprising against the Left. My thought is that it is highly unlikely that the American people will form up to stand up against a corrupt government. Most people are so busy just trying to get by, or so stoned, or so lost in their electronic games or social media, that they won't go out of their way to stand up to anything. Small groups here or there will never be successful either. To be successful it would have to be a national, co-ordinated action with some semblence of a command structure and plan in place. For example, maybe focusing an overthrow of the court system, the local government, and the state level government. Sadly we can't rely too much on our military to step in to protect the country for us, as most of the top brass has been culled by Obama to remove more Right leaning Generals. This means that it is more likely that in such a situation the armed forces would be split up into localized allegiance forces, and we would have a civil war on our hands. A civil war with the most advanced force in the world.

But like I mentioned, this is highly unlikely to happen. Most people are too caught up in their own lives that they are too entitled to think about doing what is best for their country and for preserving what it stood for. Now for sure, I am sure some might say 'But Roadwolf, you were a Canadian! What do you know about being an American!'. A valid reply. But for those who don't know me, I will just mention that those that do know me have commented that I am more American than most Americans. Meh.... I have lived in Canada. I wouldn't want to go back. I don't really care for the socialist and Left leaning society that is promoted up there. I feel that the self esteem movement, and catering to minority groups is not a good path to follow. People need to learn to earn what they get, which makes them respect what they have more. Giving people handicapts to jump ahead won't help anyone, including those you are attempting to help.

Honestly, if it was easy to do, right now I think I would choose to live in Russia, as I feel that its now Right leaning, and Republic style social system more so aligns with what America stood for than where American stands right now. It is interesting to me how since the Soviet era, Russia has become more right leaning and conservative, while the USA has become more Left leaning and Socialist. Acting like the same Commies that we hated during the Cold War. And when it all comes down to it, those Commies of the Soviet Union did end up winning World War II for us. Without them we would have seen Germany reign. Tho some would point out that German is reigning now in Europe, as it pulls the strings on the EU.

Edit on July 28th:
As more details emerge, it seems very suspicious that the building the shooter was on and the company within, was owned and financed by Blackrock, Blackrock also had a Put on Trumps stocks, and the shooter was in Blackrock commercials - so he had ties with them. Also Soro's son had distributed flyers just before showing a bullet hole through a window and a hand holding 47 dollars. So it does seem like an inside job. The explosives point towards a FBI 6 Week Cycle event. Obviously the shooter was killed - video seems to have proven that. It is also clear that it wasn't anywhere close to a Republican false flag. The head of the USSS stepped down, and also Biden is essentially stepping down, on the understanding that he and his family will get full immunity, which in it's self is telling. Now that Harris is in, it seems they might try to fudge the vote for her, and maybe they think they can get away with it this time, because she isn't Biden. But we shall see.... Read more

Rowdy Teens

Thoughts and Politics

The first three days of 2024 all brought me close to homicides or attempted homicides. I am no stranger to traumatic events. And at work, I deal with violence, death and drugs on a daily basis. Read more

Subjective Dynamic

Thoughts and Politics Blog and Journal

I wanted to touch a little bit upon my past, and how that may or may not relate to my current situation.

I am very selective with whom I choose to be close with. I see society as being in a constant state of flux, and thus unworthy of deep commitment to social norms. But that doesn't mean I am any sort of rebel or socially inept individual. On the contrary, I was raised as a Roman Catholic, and while it has been a while since I have been active in the church, I still do practice the teachings and believe that being kind, respectful and helpful, even to strangers, is the ideal way to go about ones day. But I am not one to try to impress others by trying to prove that I fall within their definition of what they think I should be. I am just me, and I just focus on being the best me I can be.

Those whom are in my circle of trust - those I consider part of my pack - I am protective of. They have obviously earned my respect, and I have also earned their respect. I generally limit how much I allow someone to get to know me unless they are within my pack. Even this blog is only a very filtered selection of snippets of topics which have interested me over the years, or topics which I have felt the need to write about for my own interest or understanding. In no way is this blog meant to be a magical portal to define me.

While through my adult life, I have generally more often had a smaller pack, there were times where my pack numbered in the dozens. And through various relationships, I have also explored a number of types of love, and emotional bonds. I have also experienced pain and betrayal as well. I often will say that while calm waters offer a relaxing paddle, it is the stormy seas that will teach you the most about life.

Life is Dynamic. We change and evolve as we live it and explore various lifestyles and interests. I have had many interests and experiences, and as such I have a fairly wide scope from which to reference from.

During my early twenties, I ended up marrying my best female friend. We did Love each other, but I am not really sure to what extent. We still were both missing something from each other. Sure, I was still young, and still hadn't learned a lot about how to treat a lady, or even how to be a fully helpful domestic partner. I'll admit I did take her for granted, as she did me. I had moved right from my parents basement into a live in situation with her. But before we had even gotten a proper apartment together, we had already decided that being Polyamorous was what we wanted. Part of that was due to both of us finding other partners on WoW, which piqued our interest. This started me down a path which led me down a bit of a rabbit hole.

After a few partners, I caught the attention of a female who claimed to be a 'submissive'. She told me I had all sorts of great qualities that a good natural Dom has. I easily and effortlessly earn respect. I am open minded and like to explore. And I am firm and grounded. Indeed this caused me to delve into this topic to explore it. Part of this blog was dedicated to helping me figure out what was what, and try to explain (mostly to myself), how that complex subculture of Dom/sub worked.

Realistically, the role of Dom/sub that I see myself as having been part of, is absolutely not some kinky dungeon view of any full on BDSM, whip wielding Dominant who just wants to impart pain and punishment and control over everyone under him. Not at all. In fact, I prefer to discuss and have a mutual agreement on things. I am calm, and I take time to think about things before acting or deciding. There are so many options and approaches to every choice or direction, and weighing those options for the most logical or wisest approach is always ideal. I believe that my position is more so that of a partner who is grounded and helps support and prop up his partner so that together we make a strong team.

That dynamic or topic is for sure very complex, and I guess it should just be stated that if you aren't open minded, perhaps you just aren't mentally capable of understanding such topics. In which case, such a person really shouldn't be reading this blog. Any post on here might be too much for them to process.

I believe wisdom comes with age and experience. I do however try to be logical and methodical. Sometimes the need to examine a topic in a logical manner, is the sole purpose of writing a post on here. On top of that I have a stubbornness, which once I have formed a logical conclusion, it is difficult to sway me from it unless a more logical direction is suggested. But my firmness and grounded level headed mannerisms, combined with that decision making gives me the ability to be an effective guide. That Dominant guidance, is often what a more submissive person may seek. Someone who can help guide them with logical choices, while being strong and helping propel them forward and upwards.

Just because someone is a submissive, or a Dominant doesn't mean they are always into kinky things either. In fact, many just like the more old school dynamic. But even so, the comfort, and protection a Dominant partner gives to their submissive partner often does inspire more intimate connection, and thus fuels more adventure in the bedroom.

Sure there are couples out there that prefer to just stay between the lines and never venture into any explorative ventures. That is fine. But I do tend to enjoy spice.

That being said, this doesn't mean that someone who has a spicy lifestyle would not be a good parent. The ability to be open minded, but also firm and grounded, I believe will make me an excellent parent. Those who are close to me all agree, and suggest that I will be a great dad.

But there are very closed minded people out there, who will subjectively read posts from my past, and form a judgement (prejudice) on who I am based solely on writings, sometimes from years ago and in previous relationships and dynamics. Honestly, if someone is that shallow that they will subjectively form a strong opinion on someone else without actually interacting with them, just based upon a blog, then that person isn't someone I want to get to know in any way, anyhow. And that person can not claim to know me in any meaningful way. Read more