Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings


Northern Lights 2024 - Part 1


Finally, we begin our annual Fall Adventure. This year we decided to venture up into Canada, for my Son's first visit to his Father's (your's truly's) homeland. The first part of the trip involved a stop in the great Canadian City of Toronto. Getting into Canada was fairly quick for us, and the adventure didn't really start until we were well into Canada. Of course the QEW was busy, but moving very well. I made a stop in Clarkson, Ontario to visit one of the old locations I used to work at. The CFRB Transmitting site. I was curious how many of the signs on the fence were still there, which I had originally installed in 2006. Most of my signs were still there. Read more

Super Early Spring!

Blog and Journal Adventures

This winter has been super mild. With the exception of a 2 week long storm in January, we have had a lovely winter. Seeing Crocus' flowers bloom in February was impressive, and also meant the start of Maple Sugar season was indeed early. I was boiling sap on the 11th of February! I am still collecting sap now too, but some days it is slow. So far from my single maple sugar tree, with a single tap I have collected six, fifteen gallon buckets of sap. I have boiled some of it down, and plan on boiling it down to finished bottles at the end of the collection period. Luckily maple syrup is one such thing that can be processed in stages to reduce it, and reduce it more.

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Crash-o-Rama Weekend!

Blog and Journal Adventures

Another weekend, another adventure. My mate was super curious to attend the Holland Speedway's Crash-o-rama event on September 9th 2023. It had been ages since I had been to a race / demo derby myself, so I was also very interested in this event. The event was full of good old boys and gals, and indeed a lot of 'Fuck Joe Biden', or 'Let's go brandon' kind of mindset was taking place. It was excellent. A good patriotic vibe through and through. Indeed a lot of people are very upset with how this corrupt administration is destroying this great country, but that isn't a topic for this post.

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