Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings


Air Troubles

Last nights crash of a LearJet55 in Northeast Philadelphia was shocking to say the least. Indeed many people were commenting that it appeared similar to a ICBM strike. That jet came down fast. And video clearly shows what looks like afterburner flare behind the engines also. LearJet's don't have afterburners. What is going on?

I was able to figure out the flight information before I heard it released on the news coverage. A JetRescue medical oxygen tank was found a quarter mile away, which led me to their website, and thustly was able to look up their flights. MTS56 was the flight in question. It climbed to about 1600 ft, then quickly plummeted. The FAA reported that only two souls were on board, but other sources say it was two pilots, two nurses, and a little girl who was a shriners hospital patient and her mother. Communications seemed normal during the takeoff until they just dissappeared. Read more

Protect the Criminals

Thoughts and Politics

I was inspired to write this from a recent experience in my daily activities and duties. Sadly in New York state it seems to be the norm where violent crimes go unpunished. YouTubers like Peter Santenello and Cash Jordan have helpped bring to light various issues in the state at times. However I think the vast majority of people generally do not really understand what happens out there. Even a local District Attourney I spoke with seemed baffled that I needed to wear a body camera for my own protection. I myself have been verbally assaulted, and also have been spit at by irrational and violent minded individuals who were attempting to intimidate me because they knew they could get away with it. And they can. Read more

Family Photo Site

Family Blog and Journal

I tossed together a website to archive and record our family memories. a place where family can easily view and comment on our family adventures which I wouldn't normally post publically. It is a walled photo vault where most photos are protected and only accessable by approved visitors. You won't need an account of any kind, just an email address you can access. And if we happen to know you, you will get approved.

If you are friends or family, stop on by! Let me know what you think. Read more

Phasmo Ghosts - Updated 2025



These ghosts are natural hunters who love to stalk it’s prey one at a time making its kill. Banshee will attack anything that comes in its way.

Unique Strengths: Will target one person at a time.

Weaknesses: Fears crucifix and will be less aggressive near one.

Findings: The Freezing Temperatures aren't always evident. This ghost roams a lot, and will leave fingerprints on doors and windows outside and away from it's room. Motion Tracking Suggested. Read more

Democrats Ruining the World

Thoughts and Politics

Biden's approval for Ukraine to use US supplied long range missile systems to attack deep into Russian territory was a surprise move to me. Essentially Biden just opened the doors to World War III, as Putin now prepares to defend his own country from attacks by weapons authorized by the US and NATO alliance. This is essentially a declaration of war on Russia, just after Russia has expressed an interest in peace talks with Trump when he comes into office. Read more

Deep Stuff

Thoughts and Politics

I'll start out this post by saying that two weeks ago, I had long abandoned any interest in speculative metaphysics or esoteric philosophy. My first encounter with speculative metaphysics regarding an anomalous object, occured around 1990 in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. I detailed the experience in an old post on this blog. I was still a kid then, and didn't really have the capacity to really consider all of the implications or thoughts that occured to me at the time. Read more

Trump's Victory for America

Thoughts and Politics

Well I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Somehow the 15,000,000 votes that magically appeared for Biden last time, didn't get the chance to appear this time for Kamala. Trump finally got his second term in office after winning a third election. And boy did he ever win. Just like last election, New York was looking almost completely red, just as in 2020. But this time when I woke up the next day, the map was still mostly red! An 11 point margin for Kamala's win in Democrat heavy NY is stunning to be honest. This is a state where the Democrat's are usually winning by 30+ points. It seems the silent majority has spoken. Those lefties who are outspoken whiney bitches will surely complain, but it seems there were too many eyes on this one for them to attempt to rig it and get away with it again. Read more

Pre 2024 Election Thoughts

Blog and Journal Thoughts and Politics

Much of the year, I have heard people stressing out about the election. Me, I kept my involvement as mostly passive, with a dismal view of how the election would go. I figured there would be election manipulation no matter what, and the deeper powers would get the outcome they desire. To some extent I still believe this, but I am hopeful based on encouraging polls that the country will swing back to a red leader. Read more