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The Aud: Final Moments

A few weeks ago I spoke to a volunteer at the naval park about the Aud.  I told him of my adventures, and spoke of the poor conditions I saw inside.  We got into a nice long discussion about how the Aud could not of logically been used for anything other then what it was purpose built for.  And while it was a great building with many memories, it was time to go. While I agree, that the last thing Buffalo needs is more parking lots and open space (you can probably bulldoze the whole east side into a giant field, and no one will notice), I think that holding onto the Aud for so long, was a mistake.  Building something new on the Aud property will help downtown buffalo grow. Now if only we could get them to demolish that old office building on the other side of Main Street from the Aud...  Maybe then Buffalo wouldn't look so shitty.  Well, who am I kidding, a lot more buildings need to be raised in order for buffalo not to look shitty.

107 views since Feb 2 2024

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