Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Computer Gaming

Gaming for me was my primary escape for many years. It is how I relax and exercise my brain. I tend to enjoy simulators, creation, city building or management-type games. My Steam Library is quite extensive (Feel free to add me on Steam if you wish). Sadly? as of 2021 my life is often too busy to dedicate too much time to gaming. And other more active hobbies have taken up some of my free time.

While it is currently popular for people to review and offer 'Let's Play' videos on YouTube these days, I still sometimes prefer a written guide, tutorial or review. Sure, call me old fashioned. My reviews and tutorial (walk-through) posts have been quite popular in the past. Most of them were written when I was running my old Wordpress Blog. Therefore, when I imported them to this new format, many of the links on other sites, which pointed to them, became broken. Perhaps, by properly linking them on this page, and sprucing the posts up a bit, they will become useful to gamer's yet again.

Of course, who really reads about old games? Well... Some of us like older nostalgic games from time to time. I recently re-installed Sim Life, a glorious life simulation game from Maxis, published in 1992!

Hosted Servers / Clans

  • FLC Bylaws: The 'laws' I wrote up for a gaming clan I managed.


  • Arma 3: Antistasi

  • Good old Guild of Guilds

  • Favorite Games

  • My Ideal Computer Game post from 2011

  • Hospital Simulator Concept

  • Myst Reader: Thoughts on a very cool storyline.

  • An Epic Company of Heros battle

  • How Awesome is Team Fortress 2?

  • TF2 Classless Update and predictions.

  • Farming Simulator is good for relaxing.

  • Trainz 2009

  • Trainz 2009: Tyvan Subdivision Route

  • Trainz 2009: Route update

  • Trainz 2009: Route Update again

  • Arkham Asylum

  • Life is Feudal

  • SimCity 4

  • The Sims 2! "OMGZ, it came on four CD-ROM's! Such a big game!"

  • Guides / Reviews

  • ANNO 1404: Dawn of Discovery - Review and Guide

  • ANNO1440: Dawn of Discovery Walkthru

  • Prison Architect Review

  • 116 views since Feb 2 2024

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