Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Jeep Project

The Jeep Project is my project to customize the Jeep in such a way as to make it a suitable response vehicle for volunteer firefighting.  This page will explore various problems and solutions to this project.

Legally in NY State, Volunteers can display 1 blue 'flasher'.  Amber lights are fair game however, as are red so long as they flash 'like' hazard lights (and only towards the rear).

Most volunteers will consider a single lightbar as 'one light'.  As well,  a pair of grill lights is also considered as 'one light'.  In my opinion, if you have a pair of blue grill lights to the front, it can't be seen to the side or rear, therefore, you can also display a blue light to the rear and a blue light to each side.  So long as from any angle you can only see a pair of blue flashing lights, it should be legal.

That being said, you can have other light systems which you can choose from.  i.e.   you can have a grill light system, and various LED lightheads.  And then you can have a full length lightbar.  Obviously you can use one system to respond, and avoid turning on the other system.  Alternatively if there is a LOT of traffic, or if you are stopped in a dangerous location whle on a scene, you can turn all the systems on.  This way you are well covered if you were ever in a "emergency" situation where both systems of lights will provide better safety (i.e. an accident on a live lane on a highway).  In which case, the use of more lighting then what is legally allowed is often overlooked, and can be argued in court.

Primary Warning System

To easily cover 360degrees in visibility, and provide better visibility on the roads while responding in traffic, I am thinking of installing a Code 3 LP6000.  I plan on installing a OptiLaser in the center of my LP6000 and hopefully finding 2 StingRay's to but on the rear with red filters (on a separate circuit which I can turn on if I am in a dangerous situation).

The rotators and OptiLaser on the LP6000 will be considered as the Primary System.

Secondary Warning System

The Secondary System will be used in high traffic, and used when the vehicle is stationary.  The Secondary system consists of a pair of Blue on Blue LX4 LED's located on the front grill; A Blue/Amber XL06B on each front quarter panel, located ahead of the wheel to cover cornering visibility at intersections;  It will also consist of 2 Blue on Amber LX4's surrounding the rear license plate; It will also activate the Warning function on the directional arrow stick.

This system will complement the lightbar in times where the extra visibility is needed.

Highway Warning System

The Highway Warning System, will consist of 2 red StingRays to the rear of the LP6000.  These lights will remain inactive unless this system is activated.  This system is only for highway safety.  This system will also activate the Vertex LED's in the rear tail lights.

Ditch Light System

55 Watt Halogen Ditch Lights will be equipted in the window section of the passenger cabin and facing forward.  They will be switched on by a toggle switch, allowing only one to be turned on at a time - with a center off position.


I wish to install a Unity Spotlight in the Jeep.

Radio Communication

I wish to program my 16 channel MOTOROLA MAXTRAC to the FIRE Frequencies.  I will install 2 NMO Mounts.  One for my VHF/UHF HAM Radio, and another for the UHF MAXTRAC.  The VHF/UHF SBB7 Antenna will be located about 1 to 2 feet from the rear of the vehicle, in the center of the roof.  This will allow it to be close enough to the rear bumber so it could be easily let down if the vehicle needs to enter into an underground parking lot.  The UHF Antenna for the Maxtrac, will be located likely forward of, or directly behind the LP6000.  The Cable should be run down the A Post and connect directly to the rear of the Maxtrac which will be located on the dashboard.

Both radios will be powered by a special power feed from the main distribution.  It will be filtered 12 volts, and a relay will switch them on and off when the vehicle is on.  There will also be a bypass switch in the rear which will bypass the relay for occassions where you may want the radio on with the vehicle off.

Reflective Striping

I would like to eventually include a 2 to 3 inch red stripe around the vehicle.  Since the Jeep is red, this should blend in well.  I will also likely include the word "FIRE" in black or white lettering on the rear of the vehicle, and possibly on the side as well.

Switching and Control:

I found in the Jeep that the panel behind the steering wheel is actually easily removed and there is nothing behind it.  This means easy placement of switches.  I ran a data cable between there and the back of the jeep where my wiring 'den' is located.

Switches will be as follows:

  1. Primary System (Response)

  2. Secondary System (On Scene)

  3. Directional Select (LED will indicate Direction)

  4. OffRoad Lights

  5. Ditch Light Select (Center Off)

  6. Air Horn Momentary Switch (Active when Primary System is on) Note: there will also be a Footswitch for AirHorn (need to purchase or acquire)

Additionally, there will be a  lower row of switches.

  1. Highway System (Red to Rear)

  2. Radio Power

  3. Aux Power (Will power Laptop, and 120 Volt System)

Items I still need to complete the system to a workable system:

  1. XL06B Blue / Amber LED modules for the front corners

  2. LX4 Blue / Blue LED modules for the rear of the vehicle, around the license plate.

  3. Code3 LP6000 OptiLaser (Blue)

  4. Code3 LP6000 StingRay X2 (Red)

  5. Code3 LP6000 Blue Rotator Filter X2 (Blue)

  6. Speaker Horn for AirHorn.

  7. Footswitch

Wiring Lists:

Control Cable (to Dasboard)

  1. Ground

  2. Ignition On

  3. Primary

  4. Secondary

  5. Highway

  6. Direct Left

  7. Direct Right

  8. Warn

  9. Ditch Left

  10. Ditch Right

  11. Spotlights

  12. Horn

  13. Radio Bypass

  14. Aux Power

  15. +12VDC (for LEDs)

  16. Aux Power Status

  17. Ground

  18. Ground

Relay Layout:

All Relays are ground triggered.

  1. Primary System

  2. Secondary System

  3. Highway System

  4. Ditch Left

  5. Ditch Right

  6. Spotlights

  7. Horn

  8. Ignition Status (Turns on Siren, Radios, and Aux Power)

  9. Radio Bypass

  10. Aux Power Bypass

Radio system will be filtered with large caps and a large choke before powering the radio.

Aux Power System will power up the inverter,which will distribute 120 VAC Power to a standard 120 wall outlet in the rear of the vehicle.  It will also power the laptop which will have an extended power cable reaching into the front console area.

Fuse Layout:

The fuses will be located on the interior panel of the jeep, in the rear compartment.  The fuse panel will be able to be removed seperately without having to remove the interior paneling.  This access should also allow servicing to most of the inside of the relay center without having to completely remove the paneling.

  1. Distribution (High Current Fuse, directly connected to the mains)

  2. Control (2 Amp Fuse) for powering the relays and LED's

  3. Radios (30 Amp Fuse) for powering both radios.  This fuse is pre relay

  4. Inverter (20 Amp Fuse) for powering the inverter.  This fuse is pre relay

  5. Directional Warning Light (5 Amp).  This fuse is direct - unswitched

  6. Primary System (30 Amps) pre-relay

  7. Secondary System (20 Amps) pre-relay

  8. Siren (10 Amps) post-relay

  9. Highway System (10 Amps) pre-relay

  10. Relay Center Fan (1 Amp) post ignition status relay.

  11. Ignition Status (1 Amp) on status line.

146 views since Feb 2 2024

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