Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

SB&D Route

I have decided to call the 'Newfoundland' Route, the SB&D, named after St Johns, Barrie and Dundas - 3 major towns on the route. Work is progressing and so far about 120 miles of track are laid down.  About 60 miles of that is low speed mountain terrain.  The rest is all fairly high speed trackage, with wide curves and shallow grades. There is a 20 mile spur line which services some mining facilities as well. There are about 50 more miles to go on the mainline, and the chance for about another 30 miles of trackage on spurs. When complete, I will be releasing challenges which tell the story of this railroad, on this website, for limited times.

134 views since Feb 2 2024

Next SB&D Route Update 0.1.6