Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Wow! Wow wow wow...

Blog and Journal

What an odd day January 18th, 2017 ended up being. It began in an odd manner by me waking up a half hour early for work. My whole schedule was thrown off. Continuing this trend when I got to work, my boss was already in, way earlier then usual. He was just leaving for a trip to Canada. Yeah! A day trip to Toronto to review some equipment we were thinking of purchasing. This kinda threw off the whole work day, in that there was no information left behind, and no communication with him. So, much of the work day was a big question mark in some aspects. I will say that that wasn't so different from most days, but there was an odd feeling about how the day panned out. After work, I picked up my wife, and we had to head to a college campus in a part of town we generally haven't spent much time in. So we ventured out that way, and then stopped at a restaurant called Poppyseed, which we had never been to before. It had been suggested to her by her coworkers. Indeed, it was tasty.

While driving I got a call. Often I don't even look at my phone. I had been texting a female paramedic friend in the area, and also been engaged in a kik conversation with someone off and on. So I almost dismissed the call as either telemarketers, bill collectors, or maybe my friend. Tho, I flipped my phone around to see the screen and noticed it was a call from Ontario. From a 705 area code number. I thought to myself... Ontario? It wouldn't be a debt collector, or a telemarketer. Why would they call an American number from Ontario. It wasn't my sister, or my friend Heather, otherwise it would of come up on my call display. Who else did I know up in the 705 area code? Maybe Justin? hmm, nah, he would likely email me or something.

After getting to the Poppyseed restaurant, I looked up the number. It was turning up results from Algoma, and Northern Ontario. Algoma? I had 2 people whom I know up that way. Both of them chat friends. One lived in Thunder Bay, I believe; the other lived in Emo,Ontario. My friend from Emo, Ontario I am pretty sure passed away several years ago. My other friend I didn't think had my number. At this point I thought maybe my birthmother? The reason I thought that, was because last month I had sent out a form to the Ontario Adoptions Registry office to consent for my information to be given out to any related family member who may be searching for me.

Upon getting home, I found a message in my mailbox. It was Brenda Davis!

At this point I got very nervous. I am not sure why, but I guess I wasn't really expecting this. I was, but I wasn't... Perhaps I had lost faith in having any luck after searching for so long? Perhaps is was that huge weight of searching, finally lifted off my shoulders. And the new weight of now having to adjust, learn and comprehend a new whole family tree which suddenly cast a shadow over me. Not that it was bad, but I just realized "oh shit, this is a game changer."

Just as I was sitting down, making myself comfortable to call her, she called me again. Wow... wow wow wow... The conversation was pleasant, and enlightening. I found out a bit about my biological family and where people were. My father is also in the U.S.A. Apparently he is in the armed forces. He would be about 58 or 59 now, by my calculation. She told me that he has asked if my whereabouts and status was known, from time to time. It sounds like he is curious about me. That is kinda cool. I also have two half brothers. Both in Calgary, AB. Brenda's former husband, George still lives up in the same town, but they are separated now. So I guess my findings were accurate, it is just that after they got married, they moved up to a remote town. So there was no trail on the internet.

Brenda herself lives in a remote town in Northern Ontario. A town I was familiar with, but had never been to. She has always been involved in policing and helping people. So that is quite interesting. She is like me, and enjoys helping people and volunteering. Otherwise tho, she doesn't seem to have much in the way of income. But she seems to be doing well otherwise. I will be calling her tonight to talk more.

FYI, if you were Adopted in Ontario, Canada... You can fill out this form to try to find family: Adoption Form.

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