Social History (Copy of my birth mothers family information)
The following is a transcript of the letter written by the lawyers regarding the social history of my birth parents and their family. It is recorded here, privately, for my own records mainly.
Your birth mother was 16 at the time of your birth. She, herself, had been adopted and it was believed that her birth parents were Caucasian, of Scandinavian and French Canadian origin. Her adoptive parents were of German and Dutch and English origin. She was 5' 6" tall, of medium build with brown eyes, blonde hair. She was described as friendly, outgoing, cheerful and easy to get along with. he was described as being honest, but liking her privacy. She very much enjoys the outdoors and likes horse riding, dogs and camping. She was in grade 10 at the time of your birth. She had worked in a stable, taking horses and dogs to shows and auctions. She was believed to be in good health. She had German Measles as a child, and had had an operation to remove her appendix at age 15.
She was the youngest of three sisters in her adoptive home. One sister was 23 and the other 18 at the time of your birth. One completed grade 12 and the other was in college. One sister worked as a courier; the other in radio broadcasting. Both were in very good health, and both had brown eyes and brown hair. One sister was 5' 11"; the other 5' 6" tall. Both enjoyed the outdoors, camping, sports, skiing and animals.
The birth mother's adoptive mother was 46 years of age and was Caucasian, of German and Dutch origin. She had a very good relationship with her daughter and was described as very outgoing and gentle and a good person. She was 5' 5" tall, medium build, with hazel eyes and brown hair. She completed grade 13and worked as a computer processor. She was in very good health.
The birth mother's adoptive father, age 56, was born in Ontario of English origin. He is Caucasian. He has a very good relationship with his daughter and was described as having black hair, brown eyes and is 5' 6" tall and small build. He has a grade 12 education and is self employed as a hardware distributor. He is believed to be in good health. He is very easy going and easy to get along with.
The baby boy's birth father was 22 at the time of the birth. He was Caucasian of English and French origin. He is 5' 11" tall, big build, broad shoulders, blonde hair, blue eyes. He completed grade 12, finished college and worked in refrigerator and air conditioning. He enjoyed out of doors, camping, sports and water skiing. He was described as being a hard worker, sensitive and being devoted to work and his family. He was believed to have been in good health.
The baby's birth father had one sister, 18 years of age. She was in grade 12 and in good health. She enjoyed water skiing, camping, and animals. His two brothers were age 23 and 24 years. One completed grade 12, the other grade 13. Both worked as riggers, and loved cars and mechanics.
The baby boy's birth father's mother was 45 years of age, and born in Ontario of French origin. She was 5' 4" tall, and of medium build. She had dark hair, hazel eyes and was described as being "sharp featured". She did not get along with the birth mother who described her as being unfeeling and insensitive. She was believed to be in good health and did not work outside the home.
The baby boy's birth father's father was 49 years of age and was Caucasian, born in Ontario of English origin. He was 6' 1" tall, and had blue eyes and brown, greying hair. He completed grade 11 and was the head mechanic at a large company. He was described as being very kind and had a good relationship with the baby's birth mother. He was believed to be in good health.
The birth parents had known each other for a long time and had lived together for several months. The relationship broke up when the birth father felt unready for the responsibility of parenthood. The birth mother loved the baby and felt that, because she was so young and had not completed her schooling, the baby's needs would be best met in an adoption home.