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Rail Project

Blog and Journal Gaming

For the last several months I have been working on a new digital project. The inspiration of which is from my SVNO fictional model railroad. However the concept of this project goes beyond just the SVNO.

This project is essentially an open world rail operations manager on a large scale. While it is focused on North America it is being designed to function globally. The game will be javascript and browser based with most operations being completed in a text based, or top down map based setting. Dispatcher screens shall also exist for each subdivision to allow for passive monitoring, or active control of your railway.

Freight will move as it does in the real world. Industries will produce products or raw materials and that product will be shipped and routed through the vast network of interconnected railroads - all of which will be player controlled. Each car the railroad handled will generate income for the railroad.

The map starts off blank, with users joining and building their own railroads together on the same map. When a user creates their mainline, they are asked what type of default materials they want to use on it. Different materials have different costs associated, and different maintenance specs. But expect real world pricing. A mile of mainline may cost upwards of a million dollars to build! Luckily users should start off with enough capitol to get a decent line set up initially. Users will also be able to connect their lines to other users to create a working network.

Railcars, and Locomotives can be purchased new from manufactures, or purchased from the used market. An interactive market exists for users to buy and sell. At closer zoom levels on the map, you will be able to see trains and individual railcars as they are positioned on the tracks. The option to operate a locomotive manually may be added, but at present the plan is to have locomotives operate automatically. I am also debating the need to have materials for new tracks (or subdivisions) be actually physically delivered to the site to construct it after it is designed. Maybe an insta-build option would be available for extra funds or premium subscribers, but still require the material use and cost.

Like I mentioned, everything is dynamically created, which means the Admin side of the program is extensive as I have been busy building forms to create and define all sorts of rail related infrastructure. Everything from rail spikes, to railcar couplers, to communications wire, to brake systems. Any reasonably isolated part which can go together to create a railcar will be modeled. Why? Because durrability and maintenance will come into play. Each item has specs which will slowly deteriorate with time and use. Some items have better specs, others no so much. This is more so the concern of the player when it comes to their own equipment and track infrastructure. Deciding to spend extra money on a repair or a new install can work out in your favor in the long run.

I am still debating the timeline of this simulation. Real time may be too slow, however it is enticing. But perhaps 4x might work out better, with a year in real time equating to 4 years in game. I am open to hearing opinions and ideas, as well as any requests for Alpha testing accounts. Email at

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