Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Protect the Criminals

Thoughts and Politics

I was inspired to write this from a recent experience in my daily activities and duties. Sadly in New York state it seems to be the norm where violent crimes go unpunished. YouTubers like Peter Santenello and Cash Jordan have helpped bring to light various issues in the state at times. However I think the vast majority of people generally do not really understand what happens out there. Even a local District Attourney I spoke with seemed baffled that I needed to wear a body camera for my own protection. I myself have been verbally assaulted, and also have been spit at by irrational and violent minded individuals who were attempting to intimidate me because they knew they could get away with it. And they can.

The crime seemed to get worse around 2019 / 2020. With COVID and George Floyd, in combination with the new Federal regime, and new NY state laws like the Green Light law - giving illegal immigrants the right to get a NY drivers license. Not to mention the parole reform which I think was the biggest mistake. Over the past 5 or so years I have wittnessed so many Felonies go unchecked by responding police officers who claim that their hands are tied. Even if the police have video recorded by their very own cameras, or even if they wittness something themselves, they seem unable to arrest and charge someone for a crime unless there is a 'complaintant'. And a complaintant has to be the victim who is willing to make their personal details known to the offender. Court dates tend to run about two to three years delayed now, and most offenders will get released and given an appearance ticket. So the victims know that these offenders will be back out on the street in an hour or two. And they will also know the home address of the accuser.

That is the reason I didn't press charges when I could of. I didn't want shit that I encountered at work, to follow me home and threaten my family. The inspiration for writing this today was wittnessing a man pull a knife and attempt a strong arm robbery with a weapon at knifepoint, with not one, not two, but at least three individuals. All of which were complaining and stating they were scared for their safety. Indeed the police did apprehend the subject and recover the knife. There was a video record of the interactions as well. But since none of the victims were willing to step forward and press charges, the subject was released and his knife was returned to him - no charges laid. And thus, no crime technically reported, for the statistics.

And this is where I believe that the system has been set up in a way to provide false numbers. Politicians can fake their numbers of lowering crime, while cutting police funds and just not putting people in jail. But the crime is still there. They just hide it.

I honestly wouldn't take anyone I loved for a stroll in the streets of any NY urban center, especially after dark, unless it is your own neighborhood and you are comfortable there. And I for sure wouldn't take a loved one on a bus or subway in NY. That seems like it is just asking for trouble eventually. And schools? Public schools are just as bad too.

It is nice to see that with the new Federal administration, there are some changes taking place already. For one, I am noticing more drug task force operations, activly taking down dealers. These same drug dealers whom over the past 5 years or so have been left alone and freely openly dealing drugs on our city streets - often right in front of officers.

But it should also be time to step up on crime in general. And I will say that not all crime equates to illegal aliens and the troubles they bring. Poverty, gangs, drugs, domestic issues, mental health, social media, and sexual issues, all can play a part in inspiring and promoting crime. I will say that if I wasn't pushed around and scared a bit by the police when I was younger, I might of turned out different myself. Our police force is much too soft now. And I know it isn't the officers - most want to make positive change and most yearn for solving crimes and catching the suspect, knowing that it is still the courts decision if that person ends up being guilty or not. It typically is the overseeing administration who doesn't want bad press. No one wants to see another George Floyd situation. So is ignoring crime the answer?

I am sure any regular reader will know that I am a fan of Russia. If you look at Russian subway systems and people walking around downtown Moscow, you for sure see a much nicer and more law abiding place. Why? because people know if you mess up in Russia you get punished for it. And that is wonderful. People should be punished. Respect should be promoted.

In any case, that is all for today, just wanted to rant a little bit. We can change things I guess, but people need to vote and make an effort to make good change in their community. Tell your politicians that you are unhappy with certain laws. Make changes!

Be safe out there.

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