Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Police and Fire, Lost Friends, and Memories...

Blog and Journal

When I was 16 and 17 I often spent much of my free time in a Yahoo! chat room. I had discovered a subculture within those chat rooms called Police and Fire, and I tended to get along well with most of the legit volunteer firefighters, medics, dispatchers and police officers who visited the room. Some I still maintain contact with from time to time, but most have lost touch with me. I went by the name roadwolf611, crazyroorat, or scannerboy99.

Some of the friends who stick out, were people who really meant something to me, and if ever so slightly, maybe had an impact on how I live my life to this day. They were my friends before I entered the world of dating, and the adult world of working for a living. They knew me at my most innocent, uncorrupted time in my life, where I saw the world through rose-colored glasses. A time I sometimes wish I could return to.

Vannmarie was a badge bunny as far as I knew. A cougar who seemed to enjoy a good time, and also who liked a good chase. But her and I talked a lot, and eventually got very close. She originally gave me much advice about women, but due to my age generally avoided getting too close until I turned 18. But even then, she was already dating someone, so I was just an internet friend. I haven't talked to her in ages, and a little birdie told me she is now married, and still lives in the suburbs of Cleveland. It would be neat to catch up with her, and share our stories.

TigerLily89 was a mystery to me for a long time. She was a dispatcher for Coos Bay County Emergency Services, I knew that much. I also loved her voice... Very much a bedroom voice. But she was shy and elusive. I pursued her, with patience and eventually broke thru to her and formed a close connection. For a long time we remained close friends, but then I got a job, she got promoted, and our schedules shifted. Now she is married. I know she was friends with me on Facebook when I had a profile there, but I don't know how to contact her off of Facebook :(

RenegadeLdy was an older woman, whose whole family frequented the chat room. I considered her like a second mother to me, bestowing Southern charm and comforts upon me. Her whole family were firefighters, and would treat me as a brother they never had. Likewise I was introduced to their whole family over voice chat, and always kept up to date on the latest in the household. She hated fakes and wanna-bes. I did too, and I used my computer skills at the time to ensure that the chat room was kept free of fakes, wanna-bes and haters, in order to keep her happy. I hope she is doing well and would say hello if I remembered her email address.

BestfriendK9 was actually my first friend in the Police and Fire chat rooms. She was the first to say hello and message me privately. She also tended to catch herself up in the badge bunny drama. But we would often talk privately away from the chaos of the badge bunny rooms. She was a dog breeder, and volunteer K9 search and rescue handler for the OPP up in Emo, Ontario. I know her first name was Penny. We would talk a lot about emergency response, and her work, and our likes, dislikes, life in general, and popular culture type stuff.

Her marriage was going thru a tough time and talking to me seemed to helped her. Mainly because I was young, and innocent, and tended to have a different male viewpoint than likely any other guy she could talk to on those chat rooms. But we never really talked about sex or anything like that...

Until one day, when she had been drinking a bit. It was her birthday, and I guess her husband left her to go drinking with his friends. She was home alone and needed companionship. She began to flirt with me and began sending me scantily clad pictures of her slowly stripping... I was shocked, but enjoyed being privileged enough to deserve the photos.

Shortly there after, once she had sobered up and realized that she sent revealing photos to a minor, she deleted her account. I knew why. But I would never have reported her.

I have been trying to get in touch with her for a long time now, but so far no response. Recent information I found suggests she may have passed away due to medical complications back in 2010. I am very sad to hear this.

Tamarahammer was my first real girlfriend. She had injured herself while horse riding and was confined to the house while she recovered. She used Yahoo chat to socialize since she had a tough time getting around, and going out was difficult. She was 23 and from the Netherlands. Her father was in the military and trained army dogs. In a strange co-incidence, the dogs her father trained, were the same breed that bestfriendk9 trained. Belgium Malamute.

That year I turned 18, and Tam and myself hit it off quite well. She even came to visit me for 3 weeks at the end of my school year. This is why I never went to a prom, I already had a girl to go home to! She stole my virginity, and over the course of the 3 weeks taught me how to please a girl. Meanwhile I took her on tours of Toronto and we did all sorts of touristy stuff.

Once she returned to the Netherlands, I began working full-time at the radio station, and she eventually got a job in an oil company. Last I had heard she was living in the UK and also in Saudi Arabia, but was still single. I wonder if she ever thinks about me?

And so began my dating years, and Roorat radio!

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