Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Photo Review: The Aud Photo

Urban Exploration

The famous 'Aud' Photo above was taken by me in early 2007. While I have explained a few times about how it was photographed, I still get asked about it. At the time, Demolition had not started on the Aud. Therefore the building was completely void of any electricity. To take this photo I had to bring my own spotlights. On previous visits, I had experimented with many other methods of taking a similar photo, from setting up a 12 volt strobe light system, similar to what you would find on a police car, to walking around with camera flashes and/or flashlights while the exposure was in progress. I finally decided to lug the spotlight in. And while myself and my friend opened our shutters at the same time, I began to light paint the arena with the spotlight, ensuring that I lit up every single portion of the frame. I believe this was a 2 minute exposure. Frankly the result is likely the last best photograph of the inside of the Aud prior to demolition. Because of this I have had a few requests to purchase the photo, the photo has also been featured on WIVB News Channel 4 during their evening news for a story on the Aud. Some people actually requested my negatives and such. Now I may not sell many photographs or prints, but I am not really keen to sell my negatives. I will however sell prints at a reasonable price. Email me to inquire about that. For some more photos of the Aud, please visit my in depth tour, located here. I have even more photos then what are located on this site, however I decided not to post too many. If you have a request to see a specific part of the Aud, please feel free to email me and ask if I have it on film, because I likely do. Anyhow, thanks for your interest. Roadwolf,

111 views since Feb 2 2024

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