Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

July 13th, 2006 - Strange Days Indeed

Blog and Journal

Ever since I was very sick last month, things have been very different. Mainly regarding life in general... I have never felt more free, and more wild or feral. It is almost like I was walking on air. I really have no clue why this is, because things have not been so good at work lately, and often I find myself at home, alone, being lonely. None the less, here I am. I am a Wolf, a Alpha Male wolf to be exact. I have a pressing need to cleanse and expand my "pack" which I view to be the group of people I socialize with. This is VERY odd for me to explain, as I do not really know how to explain it, I guess I am not even 100% sure what is going on. I have a chance to have a store basically handed over to myself... It is not very often that someone just offers to give you a store. This has been on my mind for a while now... But I plan on looking into it. It is a successful army surplus store. The only downside is it is in Indiana. All of this stress on my mind, these new feelings, the fact that I have the house completely to myself and thus and lonely, and the fact that I have a big choice to make soon are all adding up to create a very stressful situation for myself. It is more mentally stressful then physically stressful. Physically I am totally free... If I could I would probably walk around naked and not have any shame. Mentally I am not faced with serious decisions on top of accepting many new events and beliefs in my life - I must bring myself down to a more stable status, and free my mind further. My Soul is also free, Nature is protecting it as I trust nature to look after my soul. if that makes any sense. "This is Fucked Up" - words muttered by Sam Losco on the hit TV series "Trailer Park Boys"... I would have to agree with him at this point. Recently in my life, I have discovered a new-found love for the spiritual world. Anyhow.. I really don't know what else to say. But yeah, I will update when things return back to normal.

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