Deep Stuff
I'll start out this post by saying that two weeks ago, I had long abandoned any interest in speculative metaphysics or esoteric philosophy. My first encounter with speculative metaphysics regarding an anomalous object, occured around 1990 in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. I detailed the experience in an old post on this blog. I was still a kid then, and didn't really have the capacity to really consider all of the implications or thoughts that occured to me at the time.
Through my young adulthood, I was skeptical. But I did engage in the study of cyrptology, mainly in regards to radio transmissions and so called 'number stations'. I was captivated by the idea, that governments were broadcasting cyrpitc messages to agents using publically available radio broadcasts, only protected by cyphers. And the fact that I was able to pick up those broadcasts was very fun, and always had a chilling aspect to it. Especially when I would do so while camping up in the wilderness, surrounded by peace and cut off from any other technology outside of cell phone service. The thought that a war could be starting somewhere and I wouldn't even know was always lurking while listening.
It was in 2010 and into 2011 that my coworker Steven Majetic and I bonded well enough to discuss deeper metaphysics. Steve was a former Moog employee who was involved in audio engineering. I, being a former Radio Broadcast Engineer / Studio Engineer, meshed well with his interests. Looking back, I do wish I had spent more time talking about these deeper subjects with Steve as he had decades of knowledge which would of been fun to dive into. One topic I did often discuss with him was that of harmonics and infrasound.
Now infrasound is an interesting subject. This is often what creates the effects of so-called hauntings. Low frequency harmonics and standing waves which you can't hear (sounds below 20 Hz), but your body can feel, can often cause chills, and can even stir up a foggy image inside your eyes, to create ghostly blobs. Such situations can occur in resonant chambers. I know of a big one in Buffalo which under the right conditions can cause such effects. But other things like large warehouses, barns, rooms, especially where there is an open window with a slight wind crossing it like a whistle, can produce such effects.
On a similar note, in the ELF range, which is also below 20 Hz is Earth Breathing also known as Schumann resonance. This is typically found at 7.83 Hz and is the harmonic frequency generated based on the distance between the ionosphere and the earths crust. Lightening is thought the be the primary driver for this resonance, and the atmosphere is it's resonance chamber. I have in the past speculated that this is one reason why HAARP was involved in ionospheric heating, in order to alter the Schumann resonance and potentially cause earthquakes by disrupting the balance of that resonance in relation to it's unaffected neighboring area. But that is just sloppy speculation on my part. A lot of people did think that HAARP was used to trigger the earthquake in Haiti and also the Japan earthquake that damaged Fukushima. But they theorized that the beam was bounced off of the ionosphere and then directed down at the ground.
In any case, ELF is interesting to research as there are many applications to world wide communications that are possible in that spectrum. But what about collective dreaming? Woha... Yeah, apparently dream extraction is a thing. The movie 'Inception' is actually not entirely fictional it seems. Theta waves can indeed trigger dreams. And supposedly there are procedures which, once each half of the brain is synced, and dream state is achieved, ones brain can be elevated into a higher level of communal thought which can transcend time and space. That is fairly deep, yes. But this stuff has been studied since the 1970'tys by intelligence and governments from many countries. I believe the famous 2016 case of Havana Syndrome was one attempt to gain access to American secrets. The Havana Syndrome was an event where American diplomats and intelligence officers reported memory loss, dizzyness, headaches and other issues which seemed to occur every night while stationed in Havana, Cuba. Some of the people effected would report feeling intense vibrations or loud noises just before the symptoms began to onset.
Changing gears a little bit, I was recently suggested a video on YouTube which was so very odd, I had to look into it. The idea that it is a code or message of some sort is very intriguing, almost harkening back to my interest in numbers stations. I attempted to use octal to decimal and then decimal to ASCII or decimal to binary and then binary to morse code, or something like that to try to solve the sequences. But alas I have only come up with some plausable cyphers. While I do think that this channel is an ARG, or Alternate Reality Game, it is possible it goes beyond that and is actually used as a recruiting, brainwashing, or message delivery system. So far, YouTube and the internet community at large, seem to know nothing about it's origins even though the channel apparently appeared 11 years ago. And why on the 11th month of this year, are people finally being recommended the channels videos? It seems I am not alone. A lot of people are finding videos from this user showing up in their recommended videos. But how? The titles and user is only a string of numbers. Most of the videos just include noise and sound effects and blurred fuzzy images which are often distorted.
I do find it a little odd, especially since the recent U.S. Congressional hearing titled "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth" was held on November 13, 2024. During this session, experts, including former Department of Defense official Luis Elizondo and retired Rear Admiral Dr. Tim Gallaudet, testified about alleged secret crash retrieval programs and communication with non-human intelligence. They also discussed the government's reluctance to disclose information on UAPs. Apparently there was even disclosure of a recent event where a cylindrical UFO that was shot down by a U.S. F-22 fighter jet over Canada.
This calls to mind the story of Shag Harbor and the crash and recovery attempt that happened there. While I have had my own close encounter with a flying object, I am still skeptical that these are aliens per sae. I suspect that future earthlings have found ways to travel back in time to visit us. In any case, I think that it is interesting that as we approach the potential for a World War III thanks to Biden's recent actions and Russian responses (after an initial willingness to resort to peace while nodding to Trump's win), we are hearing more and more about such strange things. Perhaps our future earthlings are returning to study what happened to us. Perhaps something will happen.
I think right now, I am inspired to really set up my radio 'shack' and studio. I want to be able to do my own analysis and studies in the realm of RF and cryptic audio. But I also do enjoy creating my own cyphers, and I was considering doing that as a part of a game, myself. So stay tuned! Future posts may just include coded messages!