Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Cottage Cheese?

Blog and Journal

Ahh yes ! Friday night and things are hopping ! My friends and I met up and we went downtown with a camera in hand. We went to Yonge and Dundas, in Toronto, and started asking people random questions with the camera recording. We got a few interesting comments and had fun filming people. Saturday My girlfriend and I took a trip out east towards peterbrough and lakefeild for a nice drive... we ended up stopping by my uncles cottage and he nicely offered us dinner. Afterwards we headed back into peterbrough along a canal and checked out the Peterbrough Lift Locks. Sunday My girlfriend and I went to the Aurora street festival, which was interesting. I saw alot of neat stuff and we had fun. Overall, it was a pretty unusual weekend for us... as in we didn't do any exploring. I am kind of itchy to get back behind the camera and start taking more pictures. I have found that Photography is like being addicted to crack... once you start, its hard to stop... and you get antsy when you havent taken any pictures for a while. To the point where you almost want to bring your camera with you to the store to take pictures of fresh fruits in the supermarket.

181 views since Feb 2 2024

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