Roadwolf's portal for his random thoughts and ponderings

Another Day, Another Dollar

Blog and Journal

It is very nice to be working again. I sadly can't really discuss my job here, but I will say that it is right up my alley, and I am enjoying it. It has been a while since my last update mainly because I am working a lot and my free time is more restricted then I am used to. On that note, I am getting annoyed at the drama at the firehall lately. The last thing I want to do with my free time is spend it at a place where my presence is not desired. The firehall is basically a private clubhouse for a few of the people there, and if you dont fit in, you are made to feel unwelcome. It is amazing that places like this, which still rely on government funding, still exist. I only remain there to learn what I can, and to be able to help people out in a time of need. The social aspect of things at the firehall was lost ages ago. I recently purchased The Sims 3, and have been enjoying tinkering with that in my down time.

The house gets pretty hot in this heat we have been having, so I really don't feel like doing much else lately. That being said, this past weekend, my wife and I took a trip up to Barrie, Ontario. It was good fun. Left Buffalo about 11am on Sunday, got to my dads for a quick lunch around 12:20. Then left again around 1:10 and ended up arriving in Barrie around 2:40. I even stopped for an accident on the 400 Northbound on the way up! After checking into the hotel, my wife and I went down to the waterfront, where we enjoyed the waterfront festival which was going on.

We ended up going to the Crab House to enjoy some nice sea food, while enjoying some live Jazz. We returned to the Hotel, and enjoyed the Jaccuzzi hot tub, and relaxed for the rest of the evening, watching the discovery channel and the history channel. In the morning we hit the road around 10, and we were back in the states around 11:30! It was nice to use the Whirlpool bridge and not have to wait at all, as opposed to the hour long wait times at the Rainbow bridge.

We stopped off at the Niagara Aquarium, and enjoyed the fishies and other sea life that they have there. We did notice however that there were many foreigners there, and they all seemed to be extra pushy... Like actually pushing you out of the way to get between you and the exhibit. It was odd... And slightly annoying. We returned home around 2 or so, and said hello to Beryl and Little Bird who seemed to enjoy our return. All in all it was a nice little trip, and was not very expensive! We did all that on one tank of gas.

116 views since Feb 2 2024

Next New Job!