American Resident!
Woot! Roadwolf is now an official American resident. The stress of being a non-American resident (fear of deportation, etc... - even tho I was here legally) is now over with. I feel much more comfortable here. In other news. Have been looking at houses in the area. We are looking in the 60 to 80k range, which might seem low, but in Buffalo that is a decent range. Can find some good starter houses in that price range. We are looking at a couple which we really like and are trying to save up the downpayment to buy one. Which brings me to donations... If any of my regular readers wanted to donate to the cause, my paypal is Donations of more then 25 bucks will get their choice of a 8x10 color photograph from my collection, and I will mail it to them. Each 25 dollar mark will add another photograph to your order if you so choose. I will be visiting Canada for my Grandmothers birthday in April, and hope to see all my Canadian friends that weekend. This coming weekend I am likely meeting up with my girlfriend and going camping for a bit down here in WNY. My wife and I are very happy to be finally getting this immigration stuff done, and looking forward to buying our own house soon.